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Landscape Marketing Secrets

Dec 4, 2017

In this episode Laura invites Rachel Biafore of R&A Water Features & Landscaping to discuss the secret of having a PR person on staff. You wont want to miss Laura's tip of the week about marketing, learn about prioritizing your social media, how to maximize videos, and much much more. 

For more information visit 

Nov 27, 2017

In this episode, Laura talks with Saundra Springer, founder of Springer Ponds about the journey of going out on her own and building her pond business. Saundra pulls back the curtain and lets you into her mindset for networking, building client base, accounting, and much more!

For more information visit 

Nov 20, 2017

On this episode of Pond Marketing Secrets, Laura chats with Jodi Decker of, Decker's Landscape and Aquatics. Listen in, as they discuss how Jodi got into running a garden center and retail pond space, the benefits of having a retail space, and valuable advice for starting your own design and retail space!

Tip of the...

Nov 13, 2017

On this episode of Pond Marketing Secrets, Laura chats with Jay McCormick of McCormick Landscaping about how getting your water features displayed in Garden Centers or retail stores can help boost your referral business!

Tip of the Week: Take time to be with your kids/family. You’ll be happier in business if you’re...

Nov 6, 2017

On this episode of Pond Marketing Secrets, Laura chats with Steve Shinholser of Premier Pond and the Contractor Sales Academy to discuss The Contractor Sales Academy’s foundation. They’ll also discuss why the Contractor Sales Academy has been a successful program for so many, and what your business can gain...